News & Opinion

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No change to Official Cash Rate

Posted 7 years ago by Developer

Today the Reserve Bank has again left the Official Cash Rate (OCR) unchanged at 1.75 percent, but suggests that the slowdown in house price inflation could be temporary.

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Can you pay your mortgage off quicker?

Posted 7 years ago by Developer

Well the year is nearly half gone and it’s anyone’s guess where interest rates and property prices will head this year. But I think it’s expected both will rise a little.

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Government Housing Affordability Measure study

Posted 7 years ago by Developer

Interesting article in the Herald recently about the Government Housing Affordability Measure (HAM) study saying that renting is cheaper than owning.

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Official Cash Rate held again

Posted 7 years ago by Developer

The Reserve Bank has left the Official Cash Rate (OCR) unchanged today at 1.75 percent.

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