In some instances we may be able to obtain finance up to 80% of a home’s value (this is subject to current LVR restrictions and current lender policies). We have access to a wide range of major banks and lenders for property finance in New Zealand. The interest rates you see advertised on the internet are not necessarily the best deals and all banks differ in their criteria.
It is a complex lending environment for non-New Zealand residents at the moment. As every case is different it pays to contact us to discuss your situation. You can also contact us for a FREE copy of our First Home Buyer Guide which will give you a bit of an insight into buying property in New Zealand.
If you would like to apply for a mortgage in New Zealand you can apply via email. Feel free to contact us 7 days a week for a prompt response on how it all works and we will email you the relevant forms. We guarantee you will get a more impartial service than approaching the banks yourself. Not to mention saving you time and money by using our service.
For more information or to discuss your options please contact us